Armed Forces Operational Command as a Crisis Management Center in the crisis management system of the Ministry of Defense - summary, conclusions and experiences
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Operational Directorate J3, Armed Forces Operational Command, Poland
Submission date: 2022-11-29
Final revision date: 2022-12-05
Acceptance date: 2022-12-05
Online publication date: 2022-12-09
Publication date: 2022-12-09
Corresponding author
Tomasz Stelmach   

Operational Directorate J3, Armed Forces Operational Command, Radiowa, 00-908, Warsaw, Poland
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2022;(15):26-37
The aim of this article is to present conclusions and experiences that have resulted of functioning of the Armed Forces Operational Command as the Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of National Defense. The author also focuses on the evolution of the military crisis management system.

Analysis and synthesis of the literature on the subject and a critical approach to the source material, including a presentation of the experiences of the Ministry of Defense in responding to non-military emergencies.

The result of the conducted research is the presentation of conclusions resulting from several years of experience of the Armed Forces Operational Command fulfilling the function of the Crisis Management Center in the years 2014-2022.

The main objective of the crisis management system developed in every country is to protect the population against natural disasters and technical failures. In order to prevent such situations, public authorities carry out planning activities in order to be prepared for unusual actions. However, if the situation takes an unfavorable turn, the authorities should have the capacity to take effective action to respond to the incident by the forces and resources of the combined and non-combined administrations. The potential, including the forces and means of the Armed Forces, their availability and also the legal regulations of the possibility of using the troops are the basic factors that indicate the significant role of the Ministry of National Defense in the internal security of the state, through effective support of the non-military subsystem in the crisis management system.

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